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Voivod European Tour 2011

Submitted by on May 3, 2011 – 12:38 pm 5 Comments

Voivod are currently playing Live in Europe!

2011.05.01 – Azkena, Bilbao, Spain (with Grim Skunk supporting)
2011.05.02 – Le Divan Du Monde, Paris, France (with Grim Skunk supporting)
2011.05.04 – Kyttaro, Athens, Greece
2011.05.06 – Init Club, Rome, Italy
2011.05.07 – Rock n Roll Arena, Novara, Italy
2011.05.08 – Mokvara, Zagreb, Croatia
2011.05.10 – Arena, Vienna, Austria
2011.05.11 – Club 202, Budapest, Hungary
2011.05.12 – Colloseum, Kosice, Slovakia
2011.05.13 – Exit Chmelnice, Prague, Czech Republic
2011.05.14 – Kultowa Club, Wroclaw, Poland
2011.05.15 – Progesja, Warsaw, Poland
2011.05.17 – New York Club, Vilnius, Lithuania
2011.05.18 – Nabaklab, Riga, Latvia
2011.05.19 – Rock Cafe, Tallinn, Estonia (Cancelled)

Maryland Death Fest
2011.05.28 – Maryland Death Fest, Baltimore, MD



  • Seal20 says:

    Je suis hyper frustré !!!! Cela fait des années que je vous suis (et quand je dis des années, je les compte en dizaines) et que je vous attends à Paris… Vous étiez bien venus l’année dernière à Paris en 1ère partie d’un groupe glam (je crois) sans prévenir personne…
    Et là, je vous attendais au Divan du Monde avec impatience… et hop ANNULATION !!!!!!!
    Qu’est ce qui s’est passé ???????????? Vous reviendrez ??????????????

  • prouvenco says:

    Salut les gars, j’aime beaucoup ce que vous faites et c’est super que vous continuez,cependant on aimerais vous voir un peu plus dans le sud de la France.
    have a nice day

  • battman says:

    Je vous ai raté au “NOUVEAU CASINO” car pas vu de promo Ah oui,c’est vrai je suis de la province a croire qu’il y a des fans qu’a la capitale et là trop bon VOIVOD LE groupe, la banane quand j’ai vu ça.Et hop annulé super ANNULE PUTAIN C’EST QUOI CE BORDEL.PUBLIC PARISIEN DE MERDE ARRETES DE CROIRE QU’IL N’Y A QUE VOUS.VOUS N’ETES MEME PAS FOUTU DE REMPLIR UNE SALLE POUR CE GROUPE MYTHIQUE.

  • AstroMeat says:

    Why Voivod again did not come to Russia?
    You were in Riga,it’s just 300 miles from St.Petersburg …
    Many fans have been waiting for your live shows more than 20 years (since the late 80’s) …
    Most of us do not have to return tickets back to the cashier, hoping that the volcano was just a silly joke of the nature, and that one year after the eruption we can finally see and hear those who have had a tremendous influence on many Russian progressive and intelligent musicians …
    You promised that Voivod will perform for Russian fans…
    We still believe that you arrive…
    And we are waiting for you,guys!
    Long Live Voivod!!!

  • astromeat says:

    Why Voivod again did not come to Russia?
    You were in Riga,it’s just 300 miles from St. Petersburg …
    Many fans have been waiting for your live shows more than 20 years (since the late 80’s) …
    Most of us do not have to return tickets back to the cashier, hoping that the volcano was only a silly joke of the nature, and that one year after the eruption, we can finally see and hear those who have had a tremendous influence on many Russian progressive and intelligent musicians …
    You promised that Voivod will perform for Russian fans …
    We still believe that you arrive…
    And we are waiting for you,guys!
    Long Live Voivod!!!

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