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2009.11.24 Infini #5 on Exclaim Metal albums of the year

Submitted by on November 24, 2009 – 12:35 pm

Infini made #5 on Exclaim’s Metal albums of the year.

The Infini blurb was written by journalist and long time Voivod fan, Greg Pratt
Here is the list:

Aggressive Tendencies: Year in Review 2009

1. Converge
2. Coalesce
3. Napalm Death
4. Mastodon
5. Voivod
6. Baroness
7. Sunn O)))
8. Burnt By The Sun
9. Katatonia
10. Vader

5. Voivod Infini (Sonic Unyon)
Infini ― like every album from Quebec metal legends Voivod ― rocked hard, classy and skilful, but after the last headbang, those heads remained lowered out of respect for the late Piggy, whose last recorded axe work graced this disc. While metalheads await word on the band’s future, they can pass the time with this album, which nailed down the straight-ahead punked-up metal that defined the band’s Newsted era, while also having enough moments of ‘vod dissonance and quirkiness for the old-schoolers.
Greg Pratt

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