Bacteria13 Hatross Overlord
Joined: 30 Jan 2003 Posts: 2465
Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:10 am Post subject: CESSATE – SHATTERED HOPES |
Cessate - Shattered Hopes
Well, just as I sit down to (finally) review this rollicking demo from Saskatchewan’s Cessate, I discover that the band have decided to call it quits! Quite a shame, really, as the amount of potential lurking within this CD is ripe for the picking indeed.
According to their bio, Cessate’s signature sound is that of death metal - but done unlike anyone else - mixing in guitar driven elements of everything from power/prog metal to thrash to classic rock. Couldn’t have put it better myself - I immediately heard so many influences here, from Cannibal Corpse to latter day Death to Iron Maiden to fellow Canucks Voivod. Opener ‘Suicide Black’ erupts from a soothing intro to a blast beat frenzy ala Malevolent Creation before taking the foot off the pedal for some snazzy guitar shredding. ‘Belial Adytum’ rumbles along on the backbone of some impressive double-bass kicking courtesy of a fellow called Cheech, the tasty guitar pickings of the impressive Justin Bender all over this number. The 8-minute plus ‘Chapter II’ throws Opeth into a room with Cryptopsy and reaps the results, whilst ‘Remains as Misery’ starts with a torturous dirge as its title suggests, before pounding the listener into submission with some truly brutal death metal. This track also boast an old 80’s thrash metal solo thrown in for good measure (Gary Holt would be proud!)
The 10-tracks on offer demonstrated a band who were metal and proud, who blatantly devil-horned their influences in their music as much as they wore black t-shirts and Pantera buttons. It is sad, then, that they won’t continue to make music together, for who knows what we may be deprived of, but I wish them luck with their future, seperate endeavors.
Chapter II :
http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=download&ufid=5AEB83741149A5C3 |