Bacteria13 Hatross Overlord
Joined: 30 Jan 2003 Posts: 2465
Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 8:47 pm Post subject: ARCTIC CIRCLE – CULT WEAPONS |
My immediate reaction to this noisy and riotous CD was ‘Phobos on steroids’. However, since the general view is that 99% of Voivod fans dislike the album ‘Phobos’ (tch!) then it may be unfair to compare Arctic Circle’s audio bombardment to that most underrated and unappreciated album. So what are we left with? Well, think Buzz’Oven, Man is the Bastard, Logical Nonsense or Lair of the Minotaur. Think noisy, in-your-face, aggressive metal, the musical equivalent of been forced into a sack and beaten with baseball bats by an irate mob yes, that good!
Those responsible, Nethery on sub-bass, Jon on drums (and sausages) and Sean, guitars and flying vocal debris, three of the meanest, ugliest sum'bitches you’ll ever see this side of the Cahulawassee River, are to be commended for delivering a barrage of head-wrecking songs that are simply relentless. Well, actually, track number 6, ‘RottenRoll Outburst’ does slow down for a breather before attacking your senses again, but the glut of these 9 tracks are furious in their delivery and not for the timid.
I'm hoping to hear more from these gentlemen. It is no coincidence that this review is my # 666 post at voivod.net. If you want to be sonically buggered, these are the fellows for you.
Contact: arcticcircle50@hotmail.com
Bacteria13. |