Bacteria13 Hatross Overlord
Joined: 30 Jan 2003 Posts: 2465
Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 8:01 pm Post subject: ANGELRUST - PALE PORTRAIT |
This complex and absorbing CD is at first an audio dilemma. On first listens you are left wondering just what Angelrust, a quartet of talented individuals, are trying to achieve. Are they Goth? Are they prog-rock? Are they Black Metal (minus the coprsepaint)? Well, yes, all of the above, with splashes of Voivod-esque riffage thrown in for good measure. It makes for compelling listening. Here you will find grinding guitar work courtesy of Aaron Carvey and Andrew D’Cagna, yet in the same song angelic melody that wouldn’t be out of place on a Nightwish album.
With Frank Gordon on bass and one Bob Griffin on percussion completing the quartet, these guys have created something special indeed. Take the epic ‘Swallowed in Darkness’; it slithers menacingly from your speakers, the hoarse vocals of the aforementioned D’Cagna whisperingly haunting here, while opener ‘Pale Portrait’ boasts the most melancholy riff its been my displeasure to hear – George Harrison had no idea how a guitar could gently weep...
With 4 tracks in all (5 if you include the amazing hidden live version of the title track) and not one under the 5-minute mark, 'Pale Portrait' is by no means an immediate listen, but on repetitive plays an enjoyable one. Fans of experimental metal will lap this up - enjoy!
Contact: thecollapser@comcast.net
Bacteria13. |