Bacteria13 Hatross Overlord
Joined: 30 Jan 2003 Posts: 2465
Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 11:33 pm Post subject: NEITHER - s/t |
This Florida 5-piece are influenced by Death, Black and traditional Heavy Metal, and in their time have opened for quite a few known bands. Musically they come across as an early Dimmu Borgir jamming with a ravenous Bathory – lots of riffs piled on top of each other with flashes of keyboard-wizardy thrown in for good measure. The vocals, courtesy of a fellow called Shawn, range from high-pitched squeals to low-guttural growling. Quite a range, too.
The three songs on offer here are competent Metal anthems, and fairly lengthy at that too. Neither can thrash with the best of ‘em or drag their feet to a funeral dirge, however, if I do have one problem with the demo then it’s the sound quality. It’s a tad muddy, which makes it difficult at times to appreciate the (no doubt) top-notch musicianship cranking in the background. Take opener ‘Autumn Death Cycle’, for example (the first part to a two-part song, apparently) – this would sound incredible given the production it deserves.
I am sure the forth-coming album will sound ten times better, and it’s something this reviewer would look forward to hearing.
Contact: contact@neitherband.com
Bacteria13. |