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Joined: 04 Feb 2000 Posts: 5302 Location: South of Voivodland
Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 7:50 pm Post subject: Vader - Welcome to the Morbid Reich (2011) |
Every year, i make an effort to listen to as many recent metal album releases as i possibly can.
Sometimes, this is a tortous experience, because, to my ears, the quality of the music just isn't there... just trying to listen to the three cheesy Dream Theater ballads in their new album is enough to make me want to quit, LOL
I have to admit, i've never been a fan a Vader. I've tried to listen to their earlier albums, and i just wasn't impressed with the songwriting.
To my ears there just was nothing that separated them from the zillion other death metal bands out there.
This year, (2011) i gave Vader's new album Welcome to the Morbid Reich, a shot, and i was pleasantly surprised.
Vader has been at it for a long time already (well over a decade), and it shows.. the musicianship in the album is top notch, but then again, most death metal bands are very musically proficient...
What sets this album apart from the other countless Death Metal releases is that the songs have enough musical variation to keep one's attention and that keeps them all sounding like one another.
I could actually remember a couple of parts of the album after listening to it once.. and that is good news.
Another thing that makes this album interesting is that the vocals are unique and distinguishable, despite being the usual cookie monster type..the pronunciation is clear and the lyrics can be made out!
Another thing i like about this album are the very tasty guitar solos and riffs that embody a sense of melody within the song; they are a far cry from the usual tasteless shredding that is present in most of today's extreme metal music.
Welcome to the Morbid Reich is obviously the product a mature death metal band that knows what they are doing, a band that has matured in their song-writing and have learned to slow down and change moods to set themselves apart from the stagnation of mediocrity that is present in most of today's death metal.
If you are looking for just pure musical brutality, this album may not be for you.. (for that check out the latest Hate Eternal or Anaal Nathrakh albums instead) but if you are looking for high quality, interesting, non-repetitive death metal; this album is highly recommended. _________________ "I believe the common character of the universe is not harmony, but hostility, chaos and murder." -Werner Herzog |