yuri Who'sGOD Who'sDOG?

Joined: 04 Feb 2000 Posts: 5302 Location: South of Voivodland
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:43 pm Post subject: Ozzy - Black Rain (2007) |
After 2006's embarassing album of covers "Under Cover", Ozzy is back in 2007 with the studio album follow up to 2001's "Down to Earth".
Ozzy has one of the best bands money can buy.. Zakk Wilde on guitar, Mike Bordin on drums, and bassist Robert Trujillo (from Greedtallica) so the playing on this CD top notch,
the production is great and his voice sounds good, but unfortunately the songs are uninspired, just ok, there is nothing spectacular here in the songwriting department.. although there are some unintended amusing moments, such as Ozzy singing about "The Almighty Dollar".... which is pretty funny coming from a guy who is married to one of the most greedy people on the planet, and who was willing to sell his soul reality-show-style on cable TV.
The whole middle-age-millionaire-rock-star-complaining-about-the-woes-of-the-world is getting kind of silly now..
Black Rain doesn't come close to Ozzmosis, the only album Ozzy has released in the last 10 years that is worth owning, but then if you factor in the fact that Ozzy is 60 years old, Black Rain is not bad at all.
If you are a big Ozzy fan, you may want to check this out.. otherwise just stick with his older stuff.. _________________ "I believe the common character of the universe is not harmony, but hostility, chaos and murder." -Werner Herzog |