Bacteria13 Hatross Overlord
Joined: 30 Jan 2003 Posts: 2465
Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 1:37 am Post subject: SLUGNUT - ALL THE SPLENDOR AND ROT |
To put it mildly, these guys Rock. They remind me of so many bands (Goatwhore, Celtic Frost and the punky vibe of Eyehategod to name but three) while forging a hybrid sound of their own. A trio of ruggedly handsome, long-haired American fellows, at times you’d swear there were 10 of ‘em, these guys sound that powerful. And the riffs! I can’t remember the last time I heard an album of memorable, heavy, metal riffs piled on top of each other – case in point; while listening to the sheering ‘Placenta Diablo’ this riff comes from nowhere and literally blew me off my feet. So incredible is this riff that it had me reaching for the volume dial and turning it wayyyyyy up – my neighbors did not thank me that day - my God, I can only imagine what this thing sounds like live.
Jason Wheeler sings and plays drums, a rare talent (hail Autopsy and Zoetrope) his vocal style coming across like someone who just caught his Slugnuts in a metalwork factory vice. Nate Harriss provides bass duty and backing vocals, while one Keith Fairweather is responsible for churning out those ground-shaking riffs. From 'Livid', to 'Squirty', or 'Revoked' with its Discharge-rush, there are so many damn good songs on this CD. Somewhere, Tony Iommi is weeping …
With 14-crushing tracks in all, you simply can’t go wrong with ‘All the Splendor and Rot’. Slugnut have the tunes and talent to make it big - here's hoping.
Contact: Jason.Wheeler@sanctuarygroup.com
Bacteria13. |