Bacteria13 Hatross Overlord
Joined: 30 Jan 2003 Posts: 2465
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:23 am Post subject: HATE ETERNAL – FURY & FLAMES |
(Metal Blade)
Whilst not a fan of 2005’s I, Monarch I was curious to see where Hate Eternal main man/death metal producer to-know Eric Rutan was going to take HE. What put me off that release, and, it must be said, a few of his works on other DM albums, was the production. I find his sound to be very bland, with little or no bite. To these ears the last Cannibal Corpse and Goatwhore albums (which he produced) sound lifeless, samey affairs, and I can’t listen to them without shaking my head in bewilderment before knocking them off. So, with some anticipation, I slipped Fury & Flames into the stereo …
The first thing to hit you when you press play is a sheer wall of noise. It’s intense, literally knocking you senseless, and will take the unprepared a second or two to get their bearings. The production is – wow. A barricade of sound, thick and dense; there’s a menacing aura of Doom clouding this audio barrage. The speed is phenomenal, inhuman at times, and perhaps, if there’s criticism to be made, the battering is relentless. With some releases speed is the be-all-and-end-all, but I haven’t heard an album where sheer speed alone is cause for discomfort.
For F&F, Rutan drafted in for bass duties Cannibal Corpse’s Alex Webster, and I doubt if Mr. Webster has worked as hard as this in a long, long time. On drums is one Jade Simonetto, a kid who looks like Frodo Baggins, but this guy’s drumming abilities is jaw-dropping. His will be a rising star to watch, mark my words.
To sum up, well, what else is there to say? In all my CD collection this is probably one of the most brutal (bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-tal) death metal albums I own, and I own a lot. I have read other reviews where my peers have panned this album, calling it sloppy and flawed. To quote Bill Hicks; “You’re wrong!”
Fury & Flames destroys. Period.
Jade Simonetto drum solo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDj-FWJXRRQ&feature=related
Bacteria13. |